Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weight Gained and Lost

I have gained some of my weight back but have lost it.  I now weigh 209. 

I havent been able to exercise much since the 24th of February due to injuries from a car wreck.  I went for my follow up visit yesterday.  And yes, even though no exercising other than walking and not much of that, I did lose weight.  My clothes are starting to get to big. 

I feel good about losing the weight.  It dont matter that it's coming off slowly or even that I gain and lose.  

My eating habits changed some.  But I still eat pretty much what I want within the boundries of what a diabetic can eat.  I do treat myself to something that is not on a healthy diet once a week.  

Once my soreness from the injuries from the wreck goes away I will be exercising  again.

Take care.  Eat healthy and exercise.

Compulsive Over Eating

The reason I am posting about this is because my mother was a compulsive over eater.  I wanted to know what the symptoms were so I did some research on the internet.

Some one with Compulsive Eating Disorder often  consumes a large amount of food even if they aren't hungry.  They eat faster than normal.  They often eat to the point of feeling uncomfortable.  The often eat alone becuase the feel shame or embarrassment.  They can become depressed, feel disgust, or guilt after eating.


Weight gain

Anxiety or fear that they cant control their eating, that they can't stop.

Isolation, they fear being around or eating while around others.

Frequent dieting, always willing to try new diet plans.

They often believe that if they lose weight that their life would be better.

The over eater often has high blood pressure and cholesterol.

They experience leg and joint pain.

They often lose their desire for sexual relations.

Mood swings, depression and often fatigue.

The loss of mobility due to the weight gain.

Hoarding food and hiding it in places like closets, suitcases, and other places where they think others wont look so that they can eat it at a later time.

The develope secretive eating patterns.  Then feel guilty about the way they eat.

They blame social and professional failures on their weight.

They think that food is their only friend.

They get short of breath after relatively light activities.  Accompanied by excessive sweating.  They often have poor sleeping habits or incombia.

I have some of these symptoms, but its not due to being a compulsive over eater.   They have to do with being a diabetic.

Do I think I will be come a compulsive over eater?  No,  but any thing is possible. 

You can find out more about compulsive over eating disorder here.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


For exercise, I have been walking almost every day.  Yesterday I walked, and started riding my exercise bike again.  Today I walked twice and rode my bike while watching tv tonight.  I told Dale this evening that I am going to start walking every day even if the weather is bad and start riding my bike at least once a day. 

I also dance in my chair when music comes on tv, do leg lifts while sitting and watching tv, or go in my kitchen and walk around while commercials is on. 

There is all kinds of ways to burn calories.  We just have to find the ways that works best for us.    I look at the calories per serving on things I eat but mostly I go by the amount of carbs  and sugar per serving.  I have to watch things like that since I am a diabetic.  

I dont know how often I will post here.  Its a busy week this week for me with appointments, some of them out of town.  I am always tired when I have to go out of town so dont do much when I get back.  Until next time, be well and healthy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week of February 1

Exercise this week has been walking every day.   Some days I walked over town and back twice.  I also did some other exerciese like just walking in the house.  Standing with my hands on the back of a kitchen chair and doing backward leg lifts.  I stand back away from my counter in the kitchen and do pushups off the counter.  I have also been going through some of the boxing motions that they use on Biggest Loser.  I want to start riding my exercise bike again soon.  I also just dance around the house sometimes.

I havent set a weight loss goal yet.  I am not sure how much I want to lose.  I also want to talk to my dr. about losing weight.  But that will be in about 4 months when I see her again.  I may talk to the Diabetes instructor when I go to my diabetes class later this month about the best way to lose weight.

I was talking to a lady at the middle school on Thursday.  She has lost from 205 to 165.  She told me she used slim fast, fat burners and did exercise to lose her weight. 

I have just been eating healthier to lose mine, walking and doing moderate exercise most days.  When summer comes I plan on walking a lot more.  Playing outside with the boys. 

For now though I am just going to continue doing what I have been doing and see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Starting My Weight Loss Journey

My weight lose journey began last year in December, right after the holidays.  Thats when I decided to eat healthier to try and lose some weight. 
I have some health issues that losing weight would help.  The main reason that I want to lose weight is so that I will be healthier and feel better.
On December 30. 2010 I weighted 218.  On December 30. 2011 I still weighed 218.  During the past year I lost and gained and lost.
I am not on any special diet.  I just watch my portion size, watch the amount of carbs I eat and try to exercise more.  Most of my exercise consist of walking, riding an exercise bike and playing with my grandsons.
Today is Feb. 2, 2011 and this morning I weighed 210.  That's a 8lb loss in the last 33 days.