The reason I am posting about this is because my mother was a compulsive over eater. I wanted to know what the symptoms were so I did some research on the internet.
Some one with Compulsive Eating Disorder often consumes a large amount of food even if they aren't hungry. They eat faster than normal. They often eat to the point of feeling uncomfortable. The often eat alone becuase the feel shame or embarrassment. They can become depressed, feel disgust, or guilt after eating.
Weight gain
Anxiety or fear that they cant control their eating, that they can't stop.
Isolation, they fear being around or eating while around others.
Frequent dieting, always willing to try new diet plans.
They often believe that if they lose weight that their life would be better.
The over eater often has high blood pressure and cholesterol.
They experience leg and joint pain.
They often lose their desire for sexual relations.
Mood swings, depression and often fatigue.
The loss of mobility due to the weight gain.
Hoarding food and hiding it in places like closets, suitcases, and other places where they think others wont look so that they can eat it at a later time.
The develope secretive eating patterns. Then feel guilty about the way they eat.
They blame social and professional failures on their weight.
They think that food is their only friend.
They get short of breath after relatively light activities. Accompanied by excessive sweating. They often have poor sleeping habits or incombia.
I have some of these symptoms, but its not due to being a compulsive over eater. They have to do with being a diabetic.
Do I think I will be come a compulsive over eater? No, but any thing is possible.
You can find out more about compulsive over eating disorder here.
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